Sunday, 5 March 2017

Audience Feedback


After exporting our rough cut and receiving the audience feedback we carefully went through our music video, making sure to be as critical as possible. We also looked at it from the perspective of someone who had never seen it before in order to see how the narrative could be perceived. This allowed us to focus more on the way the story and narrative comes across, making the final product more successful. As well as this, we took out all of the filler shots which hindered our video and added in more thoughtful footage. We also had the idea during this process to make the footage of Meghan and Charlie black and white in order to bring out the colour red and enhance its significance more. It was quite time consuming as we had to do colour select for each clip however once we had finished we found that it made our video as a whole look a lot more professional. We also had the idea to fade in to colour and out to colour at the end in order to show transitions from different parts in the narrative. This was not only another skill that we were able to incorporate but it added to the narrative in that it helped the audience to understand that it was a memory. I feel like the feedback that we received from our final cut was much more positive and rewarding as it showed that the editing/filming techniques we had used and the ideas we'd had had paid off. The audience seemed to understand the overall narrative and theme we wanted to portray.


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