Sunday, 12 February 2017

Location research and evaluation

Final Locations used:

  • Mousehold Heath
  • Ketts Park Wymondham
  • Foresty areas around Wymondham
  • Butterfly Studios Norwich
  • Thetford
1) Have you thought about weather conditions, availability etc.?

During the organisation process of each filming day, we had to look at weather forecasts as well as bus timetables, cast availability and planning ahead. Thankfully, we ended up planning pretty well and did not get delayed due to weather conditions. During the last few filming days, the weather did get significantly colder which meant that the filming got harder as we could not stay outside for long periods of time. For the filming in Butterfly Studios, we had to arrange transport however it was easy other than that. We used Facebook messenger as means of communication and kept in touch throughout the filming and locations process.  We prepared for the worst by taking umbrellas, jumpers and gloves, we also made sure to take snacks and water so as not to get too tired, cold or hungry.

2) Why are these locations so good for what you want to achieve?

I feel like due to our in depth location research and use of trial and error, we were able to choose the most effective locations for what we wanted to achieve. The forestry areas were dense and there were sparse areas as well which made the shots more varied. These areas were also in Wymondham so therefore practical as we did not have to worry about transport or any other costs. Butterfly Studios was perfect as it was cheap, within driving distance and extremely well equipped. It had great lighting, backdrop and allowed us to achieve the outcome we'd set out to create.

3) Do you have back-ups?

We were not able to find any backups for Butterfly Studios really however if it had not worked out we would have used the drama school at school. It would not have looked anywhere near as professional but that is what we would have done. For the other scenes it was not as difficult as we did not have to book or pre plan, we could just turn up if the weather forecast looked okay.

4) Can your cast get there?

We arranged transport and timings on social media

5) Are you using interior/exterior locations? Why?


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